Index Fichier unique

Art. 340 B. Ownership in undivaided shares / III. Effect / 2. Management and representation / a. In general
Art. 342 B. Ownership in undivided shares / III. Effect / 3. Common property and personal property

Art. 341 B. Ownership in undivaided shares / III. Effect / 2. Management and representation / b. Manager's powers

b. Manager's powers

1 The co-owners may appoint one of their number to act as their manager.

2 The manager represents the co-owners in all external dealings and directs their economic activities.

3 Where representation by the other co-owners is excluded, such exclusion may be invoked against third parties acting in good faith only if the sole representative is entered in the commercial register.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 340 B. Indivaisiuns / III. Effect / 2. Direcziun e represchentanza / a. En general
Art. 342 B. Indivisiuns / III. Effect / 3. Bains cuminaivels e facultad persunala

Art. 341 B. Indivaisiuns / III. Effect / 2. Direcziun e represchentanza / b. Cumpetenza dal parsura

b. Cumpetenza dal parsura

1 Ils commembers pon designar in dad els sco parsura da l’indivaisiun.

2 Quel represchenta l’indivaisiun en tut ils fatgs che la pertutgan e dirigia sia activitad economica.

3 Vers terzas persunas da buna fai valan dentant ils auters commembers mo sco exclus da la represchentanza, sch’il represchentant è inscrit sco tal en il register da commerzi. (2009-2021) - A propos
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