3. Compensation operations between acquired property and indivaidual property
1 Where debts incurred in connection with acquired property have been paid out of indivaidual property or where debts incurred in connection with indivaidual property have been paid out of acquired property, there is a claim for compensation when the marital property regime is liquidated.
2 A debt encumbers the property in relation to which it was incurred, and in the event of doubt, it encumbers the acquired property.
3 If assets belonging to one category of property have contributed to the acquisition, improvement or preservation of assets belonging to the other and if the value of the latter has increased or diminished, the claim for compensation corresponds to the proportionate contribution made and is calculated according to the value of the assets at the time of the liquidation or their disposal.
3. Cumpensaziuns tranter acquist e bains propris
1 Sch’i èn vegnids pajads debits da l’acquist or dals bains propris u debits dals bains propris or da l’acquist d’in consort, exista ina pretensiun d’indemnisaziun en cas d’ina liquidaziun dals bains matrimonials.
2 In debit engrevgescha la massa da facultad, cun la quala el stat en in connex real, en cas da dubi engrevgescha el però l’acquist.
3 Sche meds finanzials dad ina massa da facultad han gidà ad acquistar, a meglierar u a mantegnair objects da facultad da l’autra e sch’i resulta da quai ina plivalur u ina valur reducida, correspunda la pretensiun d’indemnisaziun a la part da la contribuziun ed ella vegn calculada tenor la valur dals objects da facultad il mument da la liquidaziun u da l’alienaziun.