Index Fichier unique

Art. 207 E. Dissolution of the property regime and liquidation / III. Calculating the surplus for each spouse / 1. Separation of acquired property and indivaidual property
Art. 209 E. Dissolution of the property regime and liquidation / III. Calculating the surplus for each spouse / 3. Compensation operations between acquired property and individual property

Art. 208 E. Dissolution of the property regime and liquidation / III. Calculating the surplus for each spouse / 2. Additions

2. Additions

1 The following are added to the property acquired during marriage:

the value of dispositions made without consideration by one spouse without the other’s consent during the five years preceding the dissolution of the marital property regime, save for the usual occasional gifts;
the value of assets disposed of by one spouse during the marital property regime with the intention of diminishing the other’s share.

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1 Repealed by Annex 1 No II 3 of the Civil Procedure Code of 19 Dec. 2008, with effect from 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 1739; BBl 2006 7221).

Index Fichier unique

Art. 207 E. Schliaziun da l’urden dals bains e liquidaziun / III. Calculaziun da l’avanzament da mintga consort / 1. Liquidaziun da l’acquist e dals bains propris
Art. 209 E. Schliaziun da l’urden dals bains e liquidaziun / III. Calculaziun da l’avanzament da mintga consort / 3. Cumpensaziuns tranter acquist e bains propris

Art. 208 E. Schliaziun da l’urden dals bains e liquidaziun / III. Calculaziun da l’avanzament da mintga consort / 2. Attribuziun als acquists

2. Attribuziun als acquists

1 Als acquists vegnan attribuidas:

las donaziuns gratuitas ch’in consort ha fatg durant ils ultims 5 onns avant la schliaziun da l’urden dals bains senza il consentiment da l’auter consort, cun excepziun dals regals occasiunals usitads;
alienaziuns da facultad ch’in consort ha fatg durant la durada da l’urden dals bains per sminuir la part da l’auter consort.

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1 Abolì tras la cifra II 3 da l’agiunta 1 da la Procedura civila dals 19 da dec. 2008, cun effect dapi il 1. da schan. 2011 (AS 2010 1739; BBl 2006 7221). (2009-2021) - A propos
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