B. Administraziun, giudida e disposiziun
1 Mintga consort administrescha e giauda ses acquist e ses bains propris e dispona da quels entaifer ils limits da la lescha.
2 Sch’ina valur da facultad è proprietad da tuts dus consorts, na po in consort betg disponer da sia part senza il consentiment da l’auter, nun ch’els sajan sa cunvegnids autramain.
B. Management, benefits and power of disposal
1 Within the limits of the law, each spouse administers and enjoys the benefits of his or her indivaidual property and has power of disposal over it.
2 If an asset is in the co-ownership of both spouses, neither spouse may dispose of his or her share in it without the other’s consent, unless otherwise agreed.