Index Fichier unique

Art. 13cbis1C. Dretg da famiglia / IVter. Contribuziuns da mantegniment / 2. Proceduras pendentas
Art. 14a1C. Dretg da famiglia / V. Protecziun da creschids / 2. Proceduras pendentas

2. Proceduras pendentas

1 Cun l’entrada en vigur da la midada dals 19 da december 20082 cuntinuescha la nova autoritad cumpetenta cun las proceduras pendentas.

2 Il nov dretg da procedura vegn applitgà.

3 L’autoritad decida, sche e quant enavant che la procedura veglia sto vegnir cumplettada.

1 Integrà tras la cifra II da la LF dals 6 d’oct. 1978 (AS 1980 31; BBl 1977 III 1). Versiun tenor la cifra I 2 da la LF dals 19 da dec. 2008 (protecziun da creschids, dretg da persunas e dretg dals uffants), en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2013 (AS 2011 725; BBl 2006 7001).
2 AS 2011 725

Art. 15 D. Dretg d’ierta / I. Ierta e successiun d’ierta

D. Dretg d’ierta

I. Ierta e successiun d’ierta

1 La successiun d’ierta d’ina persuna ch’è morta avant l’entrada en vigur dal nov Cudesch civil vegn reglada tenor il dretg vegl er suenter quest termin; il medem vala er per ils effects dals bains matrimonials ch’èn nunseparabels da l’ierta tenor il dretg chantunal e che naschan cun la mort dal bab, da la mamma u d’in consort.

2 Questa prescripziun sa referescha tant als ertavels sco er a la successiun d’ierta.

Art. 16 D. Dretg d’ierta / II. Disposiziuns per causa da mort

II. Disposiziuns per causa da mort

1 Sch’in testader ch’è abel da disponer ha fatg u ha revocà – avant l’entrada en vigur dal nov Cudesch civil – ina disposiziun per causa da mort tenor il dretg ch’era en vigur da quel temp, na po quest act betg vegnir contestà cun la motivaziun, ch’il testader saja mort suenter l’entrada en vigur dal dretg nov e na fiss betg stà abel da disponer tenor quel.

2 Ina disposiziun testamentara na po betg vegnir contestada pervia d’ina mancanza formala, sche las formalitads, che valevan il temp cur che l’act è vegnì fatg u cur ch’il testader è mort, èn vegnidas observadas.

3 Sch’il testader è mort suenter l’entrada en vigur dal nov Cudesch civil, vegni decidì en mintga cas tenor il dretg nov, sch’ina disposiziun per causa da mort vegn contestada cun la motivaziun che la part disponibla saja surpassada u che la maniera da disponer na saja betg admessa.

Art. 17 E. Dretgs reals / I. En general

E. Dretgs reals

I. En general

1 Ils dretgs reals ch’existan il mument ch’il nov Cudesch civil entra en vigur restan renconuschids er sut il dretg nov, cun resalva da las prescripziuns davart il register funsil.

2 Concernent lur cuntegn èn la proprietad ed ils dretgs reals limitads però suttamess al dretg nov suenter l’entrada en vigur dal nov Cudesch civil, nun che quel prevesia in’excepziun.

3 Dretgs reals che na pudessan betg pli vegnir constituids tenor il dretg nov, restan suttamess al dretg vegl.

Art. 18 E. Dretgs reals / II. Dretg sin inscripziun en il register funsil

II. Dretg sin inscripziun en il register funsil

1 Sch’ina pretensiun che ha l’intent da constituir in dretg real è vegnida fundada avant l’entrada en vigur dal nov Cudesch civil, vegn ella renconuschida sco valaivla, sch’ella correspunda a la furma dal dretg vegl u dal dretg nov.

2 L’ordinaziun davart il register funsil fixescha, tge documents d’identitad che ston vegnir preschentads per laschar inscriver tals dretgs.

3 Sch’il cuntegn d’in dretg real e stabilì tras in act giuridic, fatg avant l’entrada en vigur dal nov Cudesch civil, vegn el er renconuschì sut il dretg nov, uschenavant ch’el sa cumporta cun tal.

Art. 19 E. Dretgs reals / III. Acquist tras giudida

III. Acquist tras giudida

1 A partir dal mument ch’il nov Cudesch civil è entrà en vigur, sa drizza l’acquist tras giudida tenor il dretg nov.

2 Sch’in acquist tras giudida che correspunda er al dretg nov ha cumenzà sut il dretg vegl, vegn il temp ch’è passà avant l’entrada en vigur dal nov Cudesch civil mess a quint proporziunalmain al termin dal dretg nov.

Art. 201E. Dretgs reals / IV. Dretgs da proprietad spezials / 1. Bostga sin terren ester

Art. 13d1C. Dretg da famiglia / IVquater. Num da l’uffant

IVquater. Num da l’uffant

1 Sch’ils geniturs n’han betg pli in num da famiglia cuminaivel sin fundament d’ina decleraziun tenor l’artitgel 8a da quest titel suenter che la midada dals 30 da settember 2011 da questa lescha è entrada en vigur, pon els declerar entaifer 1 onn dapi l’entrada en vigur dal dretg nov, che l’uffant survegnia il num da nubil dal consort che ha fatg questa decleraziun.

2 Sche la tgira genituriala per in uffant da geniturs betg maridads è vegnida surdada als geniturs u sulettamain al bab avant che la midada dals 30 da settember 2011 da questa lescha è entrada en vigur, po la decleraziun ch’è previsa tenor l’artitgel 270a alineas 2 e 3 vegnir fatga entaifer 1 onn dapi l’entrada en vigur dal dretg nov.

3 Il consentiment da l’uffant resta resalvà sa basond sin l’artitgel 270b.

1 Integrà tras la cifra I da la LF dals 30 da sett. 2011 (num e dretg da burgais), en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2013 (AS 2012 2569; BBl 2009 7573 7581).

Art. 141C. Dretg da famiglia / V. Protecziun da creschids / 1. Mesiras existentas

V. Protecziun da creschids

1. Mesiras existentas

1 Per la protecziun da creschids vala il dretg nov, uschespert che la midada dals 19 da december 20082 è entrada en vigur.

2 Persunas ch’èn vegnidas avugadadas tenor il dretg vegl, stattan sut curatella cumplessiva cun l’entrada en vigur dal dretg nov. L’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids fa d’uffizi uschè svelt sco pussaivel las adattaziuns necessarias dal dretg nov. En cas che la tgira genituriala vegn prolungada èn ils geniturs deliberads da l’obligaziun d’inventarisar, da l’obligaziun da far in rapport periodic ed in rendaquint sco er da l’obligaziun da dumandar il consentiment per tschertas fatschentas, fin che l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids decida insatge auter en chaussa.

3 Las ulteriuras mesiras ch’èn vegnidas ordinadas tenor il dretg vegl scadan il pli tard 3 onns suenter l’entrada en vigur da la midada dals 19 da december 2008, nun che l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids las haja transferidas en mesiras dal dretg nov.

4 Ina privaziun da la libertad per motivs da provediment ch’in medi ha ordinà sin basa da l’artitgel 397b alinea 2 da la versiun dal 1. da schaner 19813 per ina persuna ch’è ha ina malsogna psichica vegn mantegnida. L’institut communitgescha il pli tard 6 mais suenter l’entrada en vigur dal dretg nov a l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids, sch’el è da l’avis che las premissas dal plazzament sajan ademplidas er vinavant. L’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids fa ils scleriments ch’èn necessaris tenor las disposiziuns davart l’examinaziun periodica e conferma eventualmain la decisiun da plazzament.

1 Versiun tenor la cifra I 2 da la LF dals 19 da dec. 2008 (protecziun da creschids, dretg da persunas e dretg dals uffants), en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2013 (AS 2011 725; BBl 2006 7001).
2 AS 2011 725
3 AS 1980 31

Index Fichier unique

Art. 13d1C. Family law / IVquater. Name of the child

IVquater. Name of the child

1 If after the amendment to this Code of 30 September 2011 comes into force the parents on the basis of a declaration under Article 8a of this Title no longer have the same surname, they may declare within one year of the new law coming into force that their children will take the surname before marriage of the parent who made the declaration.

2 If the parental responsibility of a child of parents who are not married to each other is transferred to both parents or the father alone before the amendment to this Code of 30 September 2011 comes into force, the declaration provided for in Article 270a paragraphs 2 and 3 may be made within one year of the new law coming into force.

3 In accordance with Article 270b, this shall be subject to the child's consent.

1 Inserted by No I of the FA of 30 Sept. 2011 (Name and Citizenship), in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2012 2569; BBl 2009 7573 7581).

Art. 141C. Family law / V. Adult protection / 1. Existing measures
Art. 20bis1E. Property law / IV. Special rights of ownership / 2. Condominium / a. Original

Art. 14a1C. Family law / V. Adult protection / 2. Pending proceedings

2. Pending proceedings

1 Pending proceedings shall be continued by the new competent authority after the Amendment of 19 December 20082 comes into force.

2 The new procedural law applies.

3 The authority shall decide whether and to what extent the previous proceedings require to be amended.

1 Inserted by No II of the FA of 6 Oct. 1978 (AS 1980 31; BBl 1977 III 1). Amended by No I 2 of the FA of 19 Dec. 2008 (Adult Protection Law, Law of Persons and Law of Children), in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2011 725; BBl 2006 7001).
2AS 2011 725

Art. 15 D. Succession law / I. Heirs and succession

D. Succession law

I. Heirs and succession

1 The succession rights and the related and inseparable effects on marital property under cantonal law of the death of a father, a mother or a spouse are determined, provided the deceased dies before this Code comes into force, by the previous law.

2 The foregoing applies both to heirs and to succession.

Art. 16 D. Succession law / II. Testamentary dispositions

II. Testamentary dispositions

1 The making or revocation of a testamentary disposition carried out before this Code comes into force, if done by a person subsequently deceased who had testamentary capacity under the law that applied at the time, may not be contested on the grounds that the deceased died following the commencement of the new law and would not have had testamentary capacity under its provisions.

2 A testamentary disposition may not be contested due to a formal defect if it complies with the provisions on form that applied when it was made or at the time of death.

3 The contesting of a disposition on the grounds that the testator exceeded his or her testamentary freedom or due to the nature of the disposition is governed in the case of all testamentary dispositions by the provisions of the new law if the deceased died after the commencement of this Code.

Art. 17 E. Property law / I. Rights in rem in general

E. Property law

I. Rights in rem in general

1 Rights in rem existing when this Code comes into force continue to be recognised under the new law subject to the reservation of the regulations on the land register.

2 However, the scope of rights of ownership and restricted rights in rem is subject to the new law after this Code comes into force unless the Code provides otherwise.

3 Rights that can no longer be created under the new law remain subject to the previous law.

Art. 18 E. Property law / II. Right to entry in the land register

II. Right to entry in the land register

1 Rights to create a right in rem that were established before this Code comes into force are recognised as valid provided they correspond to the form required by the former or the new law.

2 The ordinance on maintaining the land register determines what documentary proof is required for the registration of such rights.

3 The scope of a right in rem established before this Code comes into force by a legal transaction remains recognised under the new law, provided it is compatible with the same.

Art. 19 E. Property law / III. Adverse possession

III. Adverse possession

1 Adverse possession is governed by the new law after this Code comes into force.

2 If however adverse possession recognised under the new law has begun under the previous law, the time that elapsed before this Code comes into force is taken into account in the calculating the period of adverse possession.

Art. 201E. Property law / IV. Special rights of ownership / 1. Trees on another person's land

IV. Special rights of ownership

1. Trees on another person's land

1 Existing rights of ownership in relation to trees on another person's land continue to be recognised under cantonal law.

2 The cantons shall have the power to limit or revoke these conditions.

1 Amended by No IV of the FA of 19 Dec. 1963, in force since 1 Jan. 1965 (AS 1964 993; BBl 1962 II 1461). (2009-2021) - A propos
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