IVter. Contribution d’entretien
1. Titres d’entretien existants
Les contributions d’entretien destinées à l’enfant qui ont été fixées dans une convention d’entretien approuvée ou dans une décision antérieure à l’entrée en vigueur de la modification du 20 mars 2015 sont modifiées à la demande de l’enfant. Lorsqu’elles ont été fixées en même temps que les contributions d’entretien dues au parent, les contributions d’entretien dues à l’enfant peuvent être modifiées seulement si la situation change notablement.
1 Introduit par le ch. I 1 de la LF du 7 oct. 1994 (RO 1995 1126; FF 1993 I 1093). Nouvelle teneur selon le ch. I de la LF du 20 mars 2015 (Entretien de l’enfant), en vigueur depuis le 1er janv. 2017 (RO 2015 4299; FF 2014 511).
IVquater. Name of the child
1 If after the amendment to this Code of 30 September 2011 comes into force the parents on the basis of a declaration under Article 8a of this Title no longer have the same surname, they may declare within one year of the new law coming into force that their children will take the surname before marriage of the parent who made the declaration.
2 If the parental responsibility of a child of parents who are not married to each other is transferred to both parents or the father alone before the amendment to this Code of 30 September 2011 comes into force, the declaration provided for in Article 270a paragraphs 2 and 3 may be made within one year of the new law coming into force.
3 In accordance with Article 270b, this shall be subject to the child's consent.
1 Inserted by No I of the FA of 30 Sept. 2011 (Name and Citizenship), in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2012 2569; BBl 2009 7573 7581).
IVter. Maintenance contributions
1. Existing maintenance titles
The child may apply for the revision of any maintenance payments set in an approved maintenance agreement or in a decision before the amendment of 20 March 2015 came into force. If they were set at the same time as maintenance payments to one of the parents, payments shall only be revised if there has been a substantial change in circumstances.
Art. 13cbis2
2. Pending proceedings
1 The new legislation applies to proceedings that are pending at the time of the amendment of 20 March 2015 coming into force.
2 When the contested decision was made before the amendment of 20 March 2015 came into force, the Federal Supreme Court shall decide under the previous law; this also applies when a case is referred back to the cantonal court.
1 Inserted by No I of the FA of 7 Oct. 1994 (AS 1995 1126; BBl 1993 I 1169). Amended by No I of the FA of 20 March 2015 (Child Maintenance), in force since 1 Jan. 2017 (AS 2015 4299; BBl 2014 529).
2 Inserted by No I of the FA of 20 March 2015 (Child Maintenance), in force since 1 Jan. 2017 (AS 2015 4299; BBl 2014 529).