E. Post-marital maintenance
I. Requirements
1 If a spouse cannot reasonably be expected to provide for his or her own maintenance, including an appropriate level of retirement provision, the other spouse must pay a suitable contribution.
2 In deciding whether such a contribution is to be made and, if so, in what amount and for how long, the following factors in particular must be considered:
3 Exceptionally, a maintenance contribution may be denied or reduced if it would clearly be inequitable, particularly because the spouse otherwise entitled to receive such contribution:
E. Mantegniment suenter il divaorzi
I. Premissas
1 Sch’i na po betg vegnir pretendì d’in consort ch’el surpiglia sez l’agen mantegniment duì, inclusiv ina prevenziun adequata per la vegliadetgna, al sto l’auter consort pajar ina contribuziun adequata.
2 Per decider, sch’ina contribuziun sto vegnir pajada, e – sche quai è il cas – per fixar l’import e la durada, ston vegnir resguardads en spezial ils suandants puncts:
3 Excepziunalmain po ina contribuziun vegnir refusada u reducida, sch’ella fiss evidentamain malgista, en spezial perquai che la persuna sustegnida: