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Art. 91C. Dretg da famiglia / IIbis. Dretg dals bains matrimonials da las lètgs ch’èn vegnidas serradas suenter il 1. da schaner 1912 / 2. Midada da l’uniun dals bains ad ina participaziun als acquists / c. Liquidaziun dals bains matrimonials tenor il dretg nov
Art. 91C. Dretg da famiglia / IIbis. Dretg dals bains matrimonials da las lètgs ch’èn vegnidas serradas suenter il 1. da schaner 1912 / 4. Mantegniment da la separaziun legala u giudiziala dals bains

4. Mantegniment da la separaziun legala u giudiziala dals bains

Sche la separaziun dals bains e vegnida fatga pervia da la lescha u sin ordinaziun dal derschader, valan per ils consorts las novas disposiziuns davart la separaziun dals bains.

1 Integrà tras la cifra I 2 da la LF dals 5 d’oct. 1984, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 1988 (AS 1986 122 153 art. 1; BBl 1979 II 1191).

Art. 101C. Dretg da famiglia / IIbis. Dretg dals bains matrimonials da las lètgs ch’èn vegnidas serradas suenter il 1. da schaner 1912 / 5. Contract matrimonial / a. En general

Art. 9e1C. Dretg da famiglia / IIbis. Dretg dals bains matrimonials da las lètgs ch’èn vegnidas serradas suenter il 1. da schaner 1912 / 3. Mantegniment da l’uniun dals bains

3. Mantegniment da l’uniun dals bains

1 Consorts che vivan en il stadi da l’uniun dals bains, senza avair midà quel tras in contract matrimonial, pon sa cunvegnir da mantegnair l’uniun dals bains cun inoltrar ina decleraziun cuminaivla en scrit a l’uffizi da registraziun dals bains matrimonials da lur domicil sin il pli tard 1 onn suenter l’entrada en vigur dal dretg nov; l’uffizi da registraziun dals bains matrimonials maina ina glista uffiziala da las decleraziuns che po vegnir consultada da mintgin.

2 Il stadi dals bains po vegnir fatg valair vers terzas persunas mo, sch’ellas enconuschan u duessan enconuscher quel.

3 Per ils bains reservads dals consorts valan en l’avegnir las novas prescripziuns davart la separaziun dals bains.

1 Integrà tras la cifra I 2 da la LF dals 5 d’oct. 1984, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 1988 (AS 1986 122 153 art. 1; BBl 1979 II 1191).

Index Fichier unique

Art. 9d1C. Family law / IIbis. Marital property law applicable to marriages contracted after 1 January 1912 / 2. Change from a union of property to participation in acquired property / c. Division of marital property under the new law
Art. 9f1C. Family law / IIbis. Marital property law applicable to marriages contracted after 1 January 1912 / 4. Retention of separation of property by operation of law or by court order

4. Retention of separation of property by operation of law or by court order

In the case of a separation of property established by operation of the law or by court order, the spouses are subject to the new provisions on the separation of property.

1 Inserted by No I 2 of the FA of 5 Oct. 1984, in force since 1 Jan. 1988 (AS 1986 122 153 Art. 1; BBl 1979 II 1191).

Art. 101C. Family law / IIbis. Marital property law applicable to marriages contracted after 1 January 1912 / 5. Marital agreement / a. In general

Art. 9e1C. Family law / IIbis. Marital property law applicable to marriages contracted after 1 January 1912 / 3. Retention of the union of property regime

3. Retention of the union of property regime

1 Spouses subject to the statutory marital property regime of union of property who have not changed this marital property regime by marital agreement may by one year at the latest after the new law comes into force elect to retain the union of property regime by filing a joint written declaration with the marital property register office at their domicile; the marital property register office shall maintain a register of such declarations that anyone may inspect.

2 The marital property regime may only be cited in opposition to a third party if that third party is or should be aware of it.

3 The new regulations on the separation of property apply in future to the spouses' separate property.

1 Inserted by No I 2 of the FA of 5 Oct. 1984, in force since 1 Jan. 1988 (AS 1986 122 153 Art. 1; BBl 1979 II 1191). (2009-2021) - A propos
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