2. Documents da legitimaziun
a. Document valaivel
1 Disposiziuns en il register funsil sco inscripziuns, midadas u extincziuns dastgan en mintga cas vegnir fatgas mo cun preschentar in document da legitimaziun davart il dretg da disponer e davart il motiv giuridic.
2 Il dretg da disponer vegn stabilì cun il mussament ch’il petent saja la persuna legitimada per quai tenor las indicaziuns en il register funsil u haja in plainpudair da questa persuna.
3 Il motiv giuridic vegn stabilì cun il mussament che las furmas prescrittas per sia valaivladad sajan vegnidas ademplidas.
2. Authority
a. Valid proof of authority
1 A disposition in the land register, such as an entry, amendment or deletion, may be made only on the basis of documents establishing the right to make such disposition and its legal basis.
2 Authority to request a disposition is established by proof that the applicant is the person entitled by virtue of the entry in the land register or has been duly vested with a power of attorney by said person.
3 The legal basis for the requested disposition is established by proof that the formal requirements have been observed.