II. Noting
1. Restrictions under public law
1 The state authority or another public body must arrange for a public law restriction on ownership ordered in respect of a specific property that imposes a permanent restriction on use or power of disposal or duty relating to the property on the owner to be noted in the land register.
2 Where the restriction on ownership ceases to apply, the state authority or the other public body must arrange for the note to be deleted from the land register. If the state authority or the other public body fails to act, the land register may delete the note ex officio.
3 The Federal Council shall stipulate the areas of cantonal law in which restrictions on ownership must be noted in the land register. The cantons may provide for additional notes. They shall draw up a list of circumstances requiring a note, which must be passed on to the Confederation.
1 Amended by No I 1 of the FA of 11 Dec. 2009 (Register Mortgage Certificates and other amendments to Property Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2012 (AS 2011 4637; BBl 2007 5283).
II. Menziuns
1. Da restricziuns da dretg public
1 La communitad u in auter institut ch’è responsabel per incumbensas publicas sto laschar menziunar en il register funsil las restricziuns da la proprietad dal dretg public disponidas per in bain immobigliar, che limiteschan duraivlamain il dretg d’utilisar u da disponer dal bain immobigliar u che imponan al proprietari in’obligaziun che sa referescha al bain immobigliar.
2 Sche la restricziun da la proprietad extingua, sto la communitad u l’institut ch’è responsabel per incumbensas publicas procurar che la menziun vegnia stizzada dal register funsil. Sche la communitad u l’institut ch’è responsabel per incumbensas publicas resta passiv, po l’uffizi dal register funsil stizzar la menziun d’uffizi.
3 Il Cussegl federal fixescha en tge champs dal dretg chantunal che las restricziuns da la proprietad ston vegnir menziunadas en il register funsil. Ils chantuns pon prevair ulteriuras menziuns. Els fan ina glista da las categorias da menziuns correspundentas e communitgeschan quella a la Confederaziun.
1 Versiun tenor la cifra I 1 da la LF dals 11 da dec. 2009 (brev ipotecara registrada ed ulteriuras midadas en il dretg real), en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2012 (AS 2011 4637; BBl 2007 5283).