d. Inscripziun da dretgs posteriurs
Ina prenotaziun n’impedescha betg che dretgs d’in grad posteriur vegnian inscrits.
1 Integrà tras la cifra I da la LF dals 4 d’oct. 1991 davart la revisiun parziala dal Cudesch civil svizzer (dretgs reals immobigliars) e dal Dretg d’obligaziuns (cumpra da bains immobigliars), en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 1994 (AS 1993 1404; BBl 1988 III 953).
d. Entry of subordinate rights
A priority notice in the land register does not preclude the registration of a right with a subordinate rank.
1 Inserted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991 on the Partial Revision of the Civil Code (Immovable Property Law) and of the Code of Obligations (Purchase of Land), in force since 1 Jan. 1994 (AS 1993 1404; BBl 1988 III 953).