2. Possessur da mala fai
1 Tgi che posseda ina chaussa en mala fai, la sto dar enavos al creditur ed indemnisar tut ils donns chaschunads tras la retenziun sco er ils fritgs racoltads u tralaschads da racoltar.
2 El po pretender ina indemnisaziun mo per quellas expensas che fissan stadas necessarias er per il creditur.
3 Uscheditg ch’il possessur na sa betg, a tgi ch’el duai dar enavos la chaussa, sto el star bun mo per donns chaschunads per sia culpa.
2. Possession in bad faith
1 A person possessing an object in bad faith must return it to the rightful owner and compensate him or her for any damage resulting from such wrongful possession, including any fruits he or she collected or failed to collect.
2 He or she may claim indemnification only of such expenditure as the rightful owner would also have had to incur.
3 As long as a possessor does not know to whom he or she must surrender the object, he or she is only liable for damage for which he or she is at fault.