Index Fichier unique

Art. 931 C. Effects / II. Protecziun giuridica / 2. Presumziun en cas da possess dependent
Art. 933 C. Effects / II. Protecziun giuridica / 4. Dretg da disposiziun e da restituziun / a. Chaussas confidadas

Art. 932 C. Effects / II. Protecziun giuridica / 3. Plant cunter il possessur

3. Plant cunter il possessur

Vers mintga plant po il possessur d’ina chaussa movibla sa referir a la presumziun che pleda a favur da ses meglier dretg, cun resalva da las disposiziuns davart l’usurpaziun u davart il disturbi dal possess.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 931 C. Legal remedies / II. Remedies / 2. Presumption of indirect ownership
Art. 933 C. Legal remedies / II. Remedies / 4. Power of disposal and right of restitution / a. Entrusted objects

Art. 932 C. Legal remedies / II. Remedies / 3. Action against the possessor

3. Action against the possessor

The possessor of a chattel may invoke the presumption of his or her better right in any action brought against him, subject to the provisions governing wrongful dispossession or trespass. (2009-2021) - A propos
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