III. Retratga dal pegn
1. Dretg da retrair
1 Fin ch’il pegn n’è betg vendì, po el vegnir retratg da la persuna interessada cunter la restituziun da la retschavida da pegn.
2 Sche questa persuna n’è betg en il cas da preschentar la retschavida da pegn, po ella tuttina retrair il pegn suenter ch’il termin fixà per la retratga è scadì, sch’ella è en cas da cumprovar ses dretg.
3 6 mais suenter che quest termin è scadì po il pegn vegnir retratg cunter la cumprova dal dretg er, sche l’institut aveva resalvà expressivamain da restituir il pegn mo cunter la retschavida da pegn.
III. Redemption of the pawned chattel
1. Right of redemption
1 Provided it has not yet been sold, the pledger may redeem the pawned chattel against return of the receipt.
2 If the pledger is unable to present the receipt, he or she is entitled to redeem the pawned chattel after the redemption deadline provided he or she establishes his or her entitlement.
3 As of six months after the redemption deadline, the pledger also has such right even where the pawnbroker has expressly reserved the right to release the pawned chattel only against return of the receipt.