Index Fichier unique

Art. 902 B. Constituziun / III. En cas da titels che represchentan rauba
Art. 904 C. Effects / I. Dimensiun da la garanzia ipotecara

Art. 903 B. Constituziun / IV. Impegnaziun posteriura

IV. Impegnaziun posteriura

L’impegnaziun posteriura d’ina pretensiun è mo valaivla, sch’il creditur da la pretensiun u sch’il creditur posteriur han communitgà quella en scrit a l’anteriur creditur.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 902 B. Establishment / III. In the case of documents of title to goods
Art. 904 C. Effect / I. Extent of security

Art. 903 B. Establishment / IV. Subordinate pledge

IV. Subordinate pledge

A subordinate pledge of a debt is valid only if the prior ranking pledgee is notified in writing of the subordinate pledge by the creditor or by the subordinate pledgee. (2009-2021) - A propos
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