Index Fichier unique

Art. 898 B. Dretg da retenziun / IV. Effects
Art. 900 B. Constituziun / I. En cas da pretensiuns cun u senza certificat da debit

Art. 899 A. En general

A. En general

1 Pretensiuns ed auters dretgs pon vegnir impegnads, sch’els èn transferibels.

2 Il dretg da pegn vi da quels è suttamess a las disposiziuns davart il pegn manual, nun ch’i saja disponì autramain.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 898 B. Special lien / IV. Effect
Art. 900 B. Establishment / I. In the case of ordinary claims

Art. 899 A. In general

A. In general

1 Debts or other rights may be pledged provided they are assignable.

2 Unless otherwise provided, a general lien on debts and other rights is regulated by the provisions governing the pledging of chattels. (2009-2021) - A propos
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