II. Excepziuns
1 Il dretg da retenziun na po betg vegnir fatg valair per chaussas che na pon betg vegnir realisadas pervia da lur natira.
2 La retenziun è medemamain exclusa, sch’ella na sa cunvegn betg cun in’obligaziun surpigliada dal creditur u cun ina prescripziun fatga dal debitur avant u suenter ch’el ha surdà la chaussa, ubain sch’ella cuntrafa a l’urden public.
II. Exceptions
1 No special lien may be asserted over chattels which by their nature are not realisable.
2 Equally, no special lien may be asserted where to do so would be incompatible with an obligation assumed by the creditor or with instructions issued by the debtor prior to or upon transfer of the chattel or with public policy.