Index Fichier unique

Art. 887 A. Pledges / I. Establishment / 4. Further pledge by pledgee
Art. 889 A. Pledges / II. Extinction / 2. Return

Art. 888 A. Pledges / II. Extinction / 1. Loss of possession

II. Extinction

1. Loss of possession

1 The general lien is extinguished once the pledgee no longer possesses the pledged chattel and is unable to demand its return from third parties.

2 The effects of the lien are suspended as long as the pledger has exclusive possession of the pledged chattel with the pledgee’s consent.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 887 A. Pegn manual / I. Constituziun / 4. Impegnaziun tras il creditur
Art. 889 A. Pegn manual / II. Fin / 2. Obligaziun da restituir

Art. 888 A. Pegn manual / II. Fin / 1. Perdita dal possess

II. Fin

1. Perdita dal possess

1 Il dretg da pegn va a fin, uschespert ch’il creditur na posseda betg pli la chaussa impegnada e na po er betg pretender enavos quella da terzs possessurs.

2 Il dretg da pegn n’ha nagin effect uschè ditg che la chaussa sa chatta – cun il consentiment dal creditur – en la pussanza exclusiva da l’impegnader. (2009-2021) - A propos
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