IV. Annullaziun
1 Sch’in titel ipotecar è ì a perder u è vegnì destruì senza l’intenziun da metter fin a l’obligaziun, po il creditur pretender ch’il derschader annulleschia il titel ipotecar e ch’il debitur vegnia obligà da far il pajament; en cas che la pretensiun n’era anc betg scadida, po el pretender ch’i vegnia emess in nov titel ipotecar.
2 L’annullaziun vegn fatga tenor las prescripziuns davart l’amortisaziun dals titels al possessur, suenter avair decretà in clom public 6 mais ordavant.
3 Da medema maniera po il debitur pretender l’annullaziun, sch’in titel pajà è ì a perder.
IV. Cancellation
1 Where a document of title has been lost or destroyed without the intention of repaying the debt, the creditor may request the court to cancel the document of title and order the debtor to make payment or that a new document of title be issued for as yet unmatured claims
2 The cancellation is made in accordance with the provisions governing the cancellation of bearer securities but subject to a notice period of six months
3 Likewise, the debtor may request that a lost certificate which has already been redeemed be cancelled.