Index Fichier unique

Art. 860 C. Mortgage certificate on paper / I. Creation / 1. Registration
Art. 862 C. Mortgage certificate on paper / II. Protection of persons acting in good faith

Art. 861 C. Mortgage certificate on paper / I. Creation / 2. Document of title

2. Document of title

1 The mortgage certificate on paper is issued by the land register issued.

2 It must be signed by the land registrar in order to be valid. Other requirements as to form shall be imposed by the Federal Council.

3 It may be delivered to the creditor or his or her authorised agent only with the express consent of the debtor and of the owner of the servient property.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 860 C. Brev ipotecara sin palpiri / I. Constituziun / 1. Inscripziun
Art. 862 C. Brev ipotecara sin palpiri / II. Protecziun da la buna fai

Art. 861 C. Brev ipotecara sin palpiri / I. Constituziun / 2. Titel ipotecar

2. Titel ipotecar

1 La brev ipotecara sin palpiri vegn emessa da l’uffizi dal register funsil.

2 Per esser valaivla sto ella vegnir suttascritta da l’administratur dal register funsil. Dal rest fixescha il Cussegl federal sia furma.

3 Ella dastga vegnir surdada al creditur u a la persuna incaricada da quel mo cun il consentiment expressiv dal debitur e dal proprietari dal bain immobigliar engrevgià. (2009-2021) - A propos
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