III. Impegnaziun e giudida
1 La brev ipotecara registrada vegn impegnada tras l’inscripziun dal nov creditur da pegn dal bain movibel en il register funsil sin fundament d’ina decleraziun en scrit dal creditur ch’è inscrit en il register funsil.
2 L’impegnaziun vegn fatga tras l’inscripziun da la restricziun dal dretg da disponer en il register funsil.
3 La giudida vegn constituida cun l’inscripziun en il register funsil.
III. Pledging, distraint and usufruct
1 The pledging of the register mortgage certificate is achieved by recording the creditor of a charge on chattels in the land register based on a written declaration from the creditor recorded in the land register.
2 A distraint order is executed by recording the restriction on power of disposal in the land register.
3 The usufruct is created by its recording in the land register.