IX. Place of payment
1 The debtor must make all payments at the domicile of the creditor unless otherwise agreed.
2 If the creditor’s domicile is unknown or has changed to the detriment of the debtor, the latter may discharge his or her obligation by depositing payment with the competent authority at his or her own domicile or at the creditor’s former domicile
IX. Lieu da pajament
1 Il debitur sto far tut ils pajaments al domicil dal creditur, nun ch’i saja fixà insatge auter.
2 Sch’il domicil dal creditur n’è betg enconuschent u sch’el è vegnì midà per dischavantatg dal debitur, po quel sa deliberar cun deponer il pajament tar l’autoritad cumpetenta da ses agen domicil u da l’anteriur domicil dal creditur.