2. Disditga
1 Il creditur u il debitur po disdir la brev ipotecara per la fin da mintga mais observond in termin da disditga da 6 mais, nun ch’i saja vegnì fixà insatge auter.
2 Ina tala cunvegna na dastga betg prevair in termin da disditga pli curt che 3 mais per il creditur, nun ch’il debitur saja en retard cun il pajament da las amortisaziuns u dals tschains.
2. Notice
1 The mortgage certificate may be discharged by the creditor or the debtor at six months notice at the end of any month unless otherwise agreed.
2 Any agreement may not allow the creditor a shorter period of notice than three months, unless the debtor defaults in making the repayments or paying the interest.