A. Mortgage certificate
I. Purpose; Relationship with the debt arising from the basic relationship
1 A mortgage certificate gives rise to a personal debt secured by a mortgage.
2 In the absence of an agreement to the contrary, the mortgage certificate, where applicable, co-exists with the debt to be secured that arises from the basic relationship between the creditor and the debtor
3 The debtor may raise the personal objections arising from the basic relationship against the creditor and his or her legal successors where they do not act in good faith.
A. Prescripziuns generalas
I. Intent; relaziun cun la pretensiun che deriva da la relaziun immobigliara
1 La brev ipotecara è ina pretensiun persunala ch’è garantida tras in pegn immobigliar.
2 Sch’i n’è betg fixà insatge auter, exista la brev ipotecara sper la pretensiun che sto vegnir garantida e che deriva eventualmain da la relaziun immobigliara tranter il creditur ed il debitur.
3 En quai che concerna la pretensiun da la brev ipotecara po il debitur far valair objecziuns persunalas che resultan da la relaziun immobigliara envers il creditur sco er envers ils successurs legals che n’èn betg da buna fai.