2. Parcellaziun
1 Sch’i vegn alienà ina part dal bain immobigliar ch’è engrevgià cun in pegn immobigliar u sch’in da plirs bains impegnads dal medem proprietari u sch’il bain engrevgià vegn parcellà, sto la garanzia ipotecara vegnir divaidida sin las differentas parts da maniera che mintgina vegn engrevgiada en la proporziun da sia valur, nun ch’i saja avant maun ina cunvegna cuntraria.
2 Il creditur che na vul betg acceptar questa repartiziun po, entaifer 1 mais dapi ch’ella è entrada en vigur, pretender da vegnir rembursà entaifer 1 onn.
3 Sch’ils acquistaders han surpiglià ils debits ch’engrevgeschan lur bains immobigliars, è l’anteriur debitur deliberà da quels, nun ch’il creditur decleria a quel en scrit entaifer 1 onn da betg vulair desister da ses dretgs vers el.
2. Division
1 If part of a mortgaged property or one of two or more mortgaged properties belonging to the same owner is alienated or if the mortgaged property is divaided, unless otherwise agreed, liability under the mortgage will be reallocated in proportion to the value of the different parts.
2 If the creditor does not wish to accept such reallocation, within one month of its becoming final he or she may request repayment of his or her debt within one year.
3 Where the new owners have assumed liability for the debts secured by their properties, the previous debtor is discharged unless the creditor notifies him or her in writing within one year that he or she intends to retain him or her as debtor.