b. Ingiant public
1 Entaifer 1 mais suenter che l’acquistader ha communitgà sia intenziun da substituir las ipotecas, pon ils crediturs, pajond ordavant las spesas, pretender ch’il bain immobigliar engrevgià vegnia vendì sin in ingiant public; quel sto vegnir annunzià tras in clom public e sto vegnir exequì entaifer 1 mais, suenter ch’el è vegnì pretendì.
2 Sch’i vegn realisà sin l’ingiant in pretsch pli aut che la summa offrida da l’acquistader, serva quel a cuntentar ils crediturs.
3 Las spesas da l’ingiant vegnan adossadas a l’acquistader, sch’il pretsch realisà è pli aut che sia purschida, cas cuntrari al creditur che ha pretendì l’ingiant.
b. Public auction
1 Within one month of the acquirer’s notification, the creditors are entitled to request that the mortgaged property be sold at public auction provided that they advance the costs, such auction to be announced publicly and held within one month of the date on which it was requested.
2 If a higher price than the one offered is obtained at auction, the mortgage is redeemed at that higher price.
3 The costs of the public auction are borne by the acquirer if a higher price is obtained, or otherwise by the creditor who requested the auction.