Index Fichier unique

Art. 814 C. Effect / VI. Post da pegn / 2. Relaziun tranter ils posts da pegn
Art. 816 C. Effect / VII. Realisaziun dal pegn / 1. Moda da la realisaziun

Art. 815 C. Effect / VI. Post da pegn / 3. Posts da pegn libers

3. Posts da pegn libers

Sch’in pegn immobigliar è vegnì constituì en in rang posteriur senza ch’i saja avant maun in rang precedent, u sch’in debitur n’ha betg disponì d’in titel ipotecar anteriur u sche la pretensiun anteriura n’importa betg la summa registrada, vegn il retgav, che vegn obtegnì tras la realisaziun dal bain immobigliar, attribuì als crediturs effectivs tenor il rang da lur pegn immobigliar senza resguardar ils posts da pegn libers.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 814 C. Effect / VI. Rank / 2. Ranking
Art. 816 C. Effect / VII. Foreclosure / 1. Mode

Art. 815 C. Effect / VI. Rank / 3. Vacant ranks

3. Vacant ranks

If a subordinate mortgage right is created and no higher-ranking mortgage exists, or if the debtor has not yet made use of an existing higher-ranking right to create a mortgage, or if a precedent claim is worth less than the amount recorded in the land register, in the event of foreclosure, the proceeds are distributed among the actual mortgage creditors according to their rank and irrespective of vacant ranks. (2009-2021) - A propos
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