V. Ulteriuras grevezzas
1 Il proprietari na po betg desister en moda lianta dal dretg da suttametter il bain immobigliar impegnà ad ulteriuras grevezzas.
2 Sch’i vegn – suenter ch’il pegn immobigliar è constituì – messa ina servitut u ina grevezza immobigliara sin il bain immobigliar, senza ch’il creditur haja dà ses consentiment, ha il pegn immobigliar la preferenza vers la grevezza posteriura, e quella vegn extinguida en il register funsil, sch’ella donnegescha il creditur en cas ch’il bain impegnà vegn realisà.
3 Tgi che ha il dretg da la servitut u da la grevezza immobigliara, po dentant pretender che lur valur vegnia pajada ad el or dal retgav da la realisaziun, avant ch’ins cuntentia crediturs registrads pir suenter.
V. Further encumbrances
1 Any waiver by the owner of right to create further charges over the servient property is non-binding.
2 If, after the mortgage right has been created, the immovable property is encumbered with an easement or a real burden without the mortgage creditor’s consent, the mortgage right takes precedence over the later encumbrances, which will be deleted if, in the event of enforcement proceedings, their existence is prejudicial to the mortgage creditor.
3 However, the beneficiary of the easement or real burden has a claim for payment of the value of his or her right out of the enforcement proceeds, such claim taking precedence over the beneficiaries of encumbrances subsequently recorded in the land register.