b. Security, restoration, redemption
1 If the property has depreciated, the creditor has the right to request that the debtor secure his or her debts or restore the property to its previous state.
2 He or she may also demand security in the case of imminent depreciation.
3 If the debtor does not comply within the time limit set by the court, the creditor may request redemption of such portion of the debt as is appropriate to compensate for the reduced degree of security.
b. Garanzia, restabiliment, pajament en ratas
1 Sche la valur dal bain immobigliar è vegnida reducida, po il creditur pretender dal debitur che ses dretgs vegnian garantids u che la chaussa vegnia restabilida sco ch’ella era.
2 Sch’i smanatscha il privel d’ina reducziun da la valur, po el pretender la garanzia.
3 Sch’i na vegn betg satisfatg a la pretensiun entaifer in termin ch’è vegnì fixà dal derschader, po il creditur pretender in pajament dal debit en ratas ch’è suffizient per satisfar a la garanzia.