II. Tschains da locaziun e da fittanza
1 Sch’il bain immobigliar impegnà è dà en locaziun u a fittanza, cumpiglia il pegn immobigliar er ils tschains da locaziun e da fittanza ch’èn s’accumulads dapi ch’il debitur ha pretendi la scussiun per realisar il pegn immobigliar u dapi ch’il concurs è vegnì declerà al debitur fin ch’il bain vegn realisà.
2 Quest dretg da pegn immobigliar po vegnir fatg valair vers ils debiturs dal tschains pir a partir dal mument ch’els èn vegnids orientads da la scussiun u ch’il concurs è stà publitgà.
3 Acts giuridics, tras ils quals il proprietari dispona da tschains da locaziun e da fittanza che n’èn anc betg scrudads, sco er l’impegnaziun da tals tras auters crediturs, n’han betg forza e vigur vers il creditur ipotecar che ha – avant ch’ils tschains scrodian – pretendì la scussiun per pudair realisar ses pegn.
II. Rent
1 If the mortgaged property is let, the mortgage covers the rent claims which accrue between the date on which foreclosure proceedings are commenced or the date on which the debtor is declared bankrupt and the date of realisation.
2 Tenants and lessees are bound by the mortgage only once they have been informed of the enforcement proceedings or the bankruptcy has been published.
3 Transactions by the property owner involving claims for unmatured rent and any actions of distraint by other creditors are invalid in respect of any mortgage creditor who initiated foreclosure proceedings before the rent claims matured.