III. Charges on consolidated land
1. Transfer of liens
1 In the case of land consolidation procedures carried out with the assistance or under the supervision of the public authorities, the mortgage rights assigned are transferred with the same ranking to the land allotted by way of replacement.
2 Where one parcel of land replaces several parcels which are subject to a mortgage as security for different debts, or not all of which are subject to a mortgage, the liens will be applied to the single parcel of land and their ranking preserved wherever possible.
III. En cas d’ina arrundaziun dal terren
1. Transferiment dals dretgs da pegn
1 En cas d’arrundaziuns dal terren che vegnan exequidas en cooperaziun u sut la surveglianza d’autoritads publicas vegnan ils dretgs da pegn immobigliar, ch’existan per ils bains immobigliars che vegnan cedids, transferids sin ils bains immobigliars ch’èn vegnids attribuids da nov senza ch’els midian il rang vertent.
2 Sch’in sulet bain immobigliar remplazza plirs singuls bains immobigliars ch’èn impegnads cun divaersas pretensiuns u che n’èn betg impegnads tuts, ston ils dretgs da pegn immobigliar vegnir transferids sin l’entir nov bain immobigliar, mantegnend tant sco pussaivel il rang vertent.