E. Autras servituts
1 In bain immobigliar po vegnir engrevgià cun servituts d’in auter cuntegn a favur da mintga persuna u communitad, uschenavant che quest bain immobigliar po servir ad insatgi per in tschert diever, sco per exercizis da tir u per passadi.
2 Sch’i n’è betg vegnì reglà autramain, èn questas servituds intransferiblas, e lur cuntegn sa drizza tenor ils basegns ordinaris dals giudiders.
3 Dal rest èn ellas suttamessas a las disposiziuns davart las servituts funsilas.
E. Other servitudes
1 An owner may establish other servitudes on his or her property in favour of any person or group if such servitudes meet a particular need, such as rights of access for shooting practice or rights of way.
2 Unless otherwise agreed, such servitudes are non-transferable and their nature and scope is based on the beneficiaries’ normal needs.
3 In other respects they are subject to the provisions governing easements.