Index Fichier unique

Art. 768 A. Usufruct / V. Special cases / 1. Land / a. Fruits
Art. 770 A. Usufruct / V. Special cases / 1. Land / c. Woodland

Art. 769 A. Usufruct / V. Special cases / 1. Land / b. Use

b. Use

1 The usufructuary must not change the intended use of the immovable property in a manner that is significantly detrimental to the owner.

2 He or she must neither transform nor substantially modify the object.

3 He or she may dig quarries, marl pits, peat cuttings and the like only after giving prior notice to the owner and on condition that the intended use of the immovable property is not substantially changed.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 768 A. Giudida / V. Cas spezials / 1. Bains immobigliars / a. Fritgs
Art. 770 A. Giudida / V. Cas spezials / 1. Bains immobigliars / c. Guaud

Art. 769 A. Giudida / V. Cas spezials / 1. Bains immobigliars / b. Destinaziun economica

b. Destinaziun economica

1 Vi da la destinaziun economica dal bain immobigliar na dastga il giudider far naginas midadas che han in dischavantatg considerabel per il proprietari.

2 La chaussa sezza na dastga el ni transfurmar ni midar essenzialmain.

3 Novas chavas da crappa, da marna, da turba e chavas sumegliantas dastga el explotar mo, suenter ch’el ha infurmà il proprietari, e mo sut la premissa che la destinaziun economica dal bain immobigliar na vegnia betg midada essenzialmain qua tras. (2009-2021) - A propos
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