c. Duty to pay interest on usufruct of assets
In the case of a usufruct of assets, the usufructuary must pay interest on the debts but, where justified in the circumstances, is entitled on request to be released from that obligation by redemption of the debt so that afterwards the usufruct is confined to the remainder of the assets.
c. Tschains en cas da giudida d’ina facultad
Sch’ina facultad è suttamessa a la giudida, sto il giudider tschainsir ils debits da chapital; sche las circumstanzas giustifitgeschan dentant quai, po el pretender da vegnir deliberà da questa obligaziun tras quai che la giudida vegn restrenschida sin il surpli da las valurs da facultad che resta suenter avair pajà ils debits.