Index Fichier unique

Art. 757 A. Giudida / IV. Cuntegn / 1. Dretgs dal giudider / c. Tschains
Art. 759 A. Giudida / IV. Cuntegn / 2. Dretgs dal proprietari / a. Surveglianza

Art. 758 A. Giudida / IV. Cuntegn / 1. Dretgs dal giudider / d. Transferibilitad

d. Transferibilitad

1 Il dretg da giudida po vegnir transferì ad ina terza persuna, nun ch’i sa tractia d’in dretg strictamain persunal.

2 Il proprietari ha il dretg da far valair ses dretgs directamain vers la terza persuna.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 757 A. Usufruct / IV. Scope / 1. Rights of the usufructuary / c. Interest
Art. 759 A. Usufruct / IV. Scope / 2. Rights of the owner / a. Supervision

Art. 758 A. Usufruct / IV. Scope / 1. Rights of the usufructuary / d. Assignability

d. Assignability

1 Unless it is a strictly personal right, the exercise of the usufruct may be assigned to another person.

2 The owner is entitled to assert his or her rights directly against such person. (2009-2021) - A propos
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