C. Cuntegn
I. Dimensiun
1. En general
1 Il giudider ha il dretg da far tut quai ch’è necessari per mantegnair e per far diever da la servitut.
2 El è dentant obligà da far diever da ses dretg cun il quità il meglier pussaivel.
3 Il proprietari engrevgià na dastga far nagut che impediss u engrevgiass il diever da la servitut.
C. Nature
I. Scope
1. In general
1 The beneficiary is entitled to take all measures necessary to preserve and exercise the easement.
2 However, he or she is obliged to exercise his or her rights as benignly as possible.
3 The servient owner must not do anything to obstruct the exercise of the easement or render it more difficult.