Index Fichier unique

Art. 730 A. Object
Art. 7321B. Creation and extinction / I. Creation / 2. Legal transaction

Art. 731 B. Creation and extinction / I. Creation / 1. Registration

B. Creation and extinction

I. Creation

1. Registration

1 An easement is created by entry in the land register.

2 The provisions governing land ownership apply to the acquisition or registration of an easement, except where otherwise provided.

3 Adverse possession of an easement is possible only in respect of parcels of land which may be possessed adversely.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 730 A. Object
Art. 7321B. Constituziun ed extincziun / I. Constituziun / 2. Act giuridic

Art. 731 B. Constituziun ed extincziun / I. Constituziun / 1. Inscripziun

B. Constituziun ed extincziun

I. Constituziun

1. Inscripziun

1 Per constituir ina servitut funsila dovri ina inscripziun en il register funsil.

2 Per l’acquist e per l’inscripziun valan las disposiziuns davart la proprietad funsila, nun che quai saja reglà autramain.

3 L’acquist tras giudida è pussaivel mo sin donn e cust da bains immobigliars, dals quals la proprietad po vegnir acquistada da medema maniera. (2009-2021) - A propos
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