2. Revoca
1 L’assemblea dei comproprietari può revocare in ogni tempo l’amministratore, riservata l’azione di risarcimento.
2 Se, nonostante un grave motivo, l’assemblea nega di revocare l’amministratore, ogni comproprietario può, entro un mese, domandarne la revoca al giudice.
3 L’amministratore nominato dal giudice non può, senza il consenso di questo, essere revocato prima del decorso del tempo fissato al suo ufficio.
2. Removal
1 By resolution of the assembly of condominium owners, the administrator may be removed from his or her position at any time, subject to claims for compensation.
2 If the assembly of condominium owners refuses to remove the administrator despite good cause to do so, any condominium owner may, within one month, request the court to remove him or her.
3 A court-appointed administrator may not be removed prior to expiry of the period for which he or she was appointed.