Index Fichier unique

Art. 712m D. Organisaziun / I. Radunanza dals proprietaris en condomini / 1. Cumpetenza e stadi giuridic
Art. 712o D. Organisaziun / I. Radunanza dals proprietaris en condomini / 3. Execuziun dal dretg da votar

Art. 712n D. Organisaziun / I. Radunanza dals proprietaris en condomini / 2. Convocaziun e presidi

2. Convocaziun e presidi

1 La radunanza dals proprietaris en condomini vegn convocada e presidiada da l’administratur, nun ch’ella haja decidì autramain.

2 Ils conclus ston vegnir protocollads e l’administratur u il cumproprietari che ha manà la radunanza sto tegnair en salv il protocol.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 712m D. Organisation / I. Assembly of condominium owners / 1. Competence and legal status
Art. 712o D. Organisation / I. Assembly of condominium owners / 3. Voting rights

Art. 712n D. Organisation / I. Assembly of condominium owners / 2. Convening and chairing meetings

2. Convening and chairing meetings

1 The assembly of condominium owners is convened and chaired by the administrator, unless the assembly resolves otherwise.

2 Minutes are taken of the assembly’s resolutions and held in safekeeping by the administrator or the chairman of the meeting. (2009-2021) - A propos
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