II. Expensas e grevezzas cuminaivlas
1. Definiziun e repartiziun
1 Ils proprietaris en condomini ston prestar contribuziuns en la proporziun da lur quotas da valur vi da las grevezzas da la proprietad cuminaivla e vi dals custs da l’administraziun cuminaivla.
2 Talas grevezzas ed expensas èn spezialmain:
3 Sche tschertas parts da la construcziun, tscherts stabiliments u tscherts indrizs servan mo fitg pauc u nagut dal tut a singuls cumproprietaris, sto quai vegnir resguardà tar la repartiziun dals custs.
II. Communal charges and costs
1. Definition and distribution
1 The condominium owners bear the charges in relation to the communal parts of the property and the costs of joint administration in proportion to the value of their shares.
2 In particular, such charges and costs include:
3 Where specific parts of the building, fittings or installations are of little or no benefit to certain condominium owners, the allocation of shared costs must take this into account.