2. Restabiliment
1 Sche funtaunas e bigls indispensabels per cultivar u per abitar in bain immobigliar u per spisgentar in conduct d’aua da baiver vegnan tagliads giu u tartagnads, poi vegnir pretendi da metter quels en il stadi anteriur, uschenavant che quai è insumma pussaivel.
2 En ils auters cas po il restabiliment vegnir pretendi mo, sche circumstanzas spezialas giustifitgeschan quai.
2. Restoration
1 If springs and wells that are indispensable for the exploitation or habitation of a parcel of land or for the supply of drinking water are cut off or contaminated, those affected have the right to demand that the status quo ante be restored where at all possible.
2 In other cases restoration of the status quo ante may be demanded only where this is justified by special circumstances.