Index Fichier unique

Art. 7031B. Limitations / V. Public law restrictions on ownership / 2. Land improvements
Art. 705 C. Rights to springs and wells / II. Diversion of springs

Art. 704 C. Rights to springs and wells / I. Spring ownership and spring rights

C. Rights to springs and wells

I. Spring ownership and spring rights

1 Springs are an integral part of the land and their ownership may be acquired only through ownership of the land from which they rise.

2 Rights to spring water on land owned by others are established as easements by entry in the land register.

3 Groundwater is deemed equivalent to springs.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 7031B. Restricziuns / V. Restricziuns da dretg public / 2. Meglieraziuns dal terren
Art. 705 C. Funtaunas e bigls / II. Deviaziun da funtaunas

Art. 704 C. Funtaunas e bigls / I. Proprietad e dretgs vi da funtaunas

C. Funtaunas e bigls

I. Proprietad e dretgs vi da funtaunas

1 Las funtaunas èn parts integralas dals bains immobigliars e pon vegnir acquistadas sco proprietad mo ensemen cun il terren, or dal qual ellas naschan.

2 Il dretg vi da funtaunas che naschan sin terren ester vegn fundà sco servitut tras l’inscripziun en il register funsil.

3 Auas sutterranas han il medem status sco las funtaunas. (2009-2021) - A propos
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