2. Meglieraziuns dal terren
1 Sche meglieraziuns dal terren sco correcziuns da las auas, drenaschas, indrizs per sauar, plantaziuns da guaud, vias, arrundaziuns dal terren e chaussas sumegliantas na pon betg vegnir realisadas tras ina interpresa cuminaivla e sche la maioritad dals proprietaris dals bains immobigliars participads, als quals appartegna a medem temp pli che la mesadad dal terren pertutgà, han dà lur consentiment a l’interpresa, èn ils proprietaris dals ulteriurs bains immobigliars obligads da sa participar a quella. Ils proprietaris dals bains immobigliars che na fan betg part da la decisiun, valan sco vuschs affirmativas. La participaziun sto vegnir remartgada en il register funsil.
2 Ils chantuns reglan la procedura. Els han da decretar in urden detaglià en spezial per las arrundaziuns dal terren.
3 La legislaziun chantunala po facilitar anc pli fitg l’execuziun da talas meglieraziuns dal terren e declerar che las prescripziuns correspundentas stoppian vegnir applitgadas per territoris da construcziun e per territoris cun spustaments permanents dal terren.2
1 Versiun tenor ll’art. 121 da la Lescha d’agricultura, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 1954 (AS 1953 1073; BBl 1951 I 130).
2 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 4 d’oct. 1991 davart la revisiun parziala dal Cudesch civil svizzer (dretgs reals immobigliars) e dal Dretg d’obligaziuns (cumpra da bains immobigliars), en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 1994 (AS 1993 1404; BBl 1988 III 953).
2. Land improvements
1 Where it is possible to carry out land improvements, such as watercourse modifications, drainage, irrigation, reforestation, path-building, land consolidation procedures and the like, only by collective endeavour and such endeavour has been approved by the majority of the landowners owning more than half of the land involved, the other landowners are obliged to participate. Landowners who choose not to participate in the decision-making process are deemed to consent. Participation is recorded in the land register.
2 The cantons regulate the procedure. In particular, they must issue detailed rules on consolidation of landholdings.
3 Cantonal legislation may further facilitate the realisation of such land improvements and may declare that the corresponding provisions also apply to building land and to areas designated as being in permanent danger of ground displacement.2
1 Amended by Art. 121 of the Agriculture Act of 3 oct. 1951, in force since 1 Jan. 1954 (AS 1953 1073; BBl 1951 I 130).
2 Amended by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991 on the Partial Revision of the Civil Code (Immovable Property Law) and of the Code of Obligations (Purchase of Land), in force since 1 Jan. 1994 (AS 1993 1404; BBl 1988 III 953).