7. Dretgs da passadi
a. Passadi necessari
1 Sch’il proprietari d’in bain immobigliar n’ha betg ina via suffizienta per arrivar da ses bain immobigliar sin ina via publica, po el pretender dals vischins ch’els al concedian in passadi necessari cunter pajament cumplain.
2 Questa pretensiun sa drizza en emprima lingia vers il vischin, dal qual il passadi necessari po vegnir pretendì il pli tgunsch, resguardond en quest connex las relaziuns anteriuras da proprietad e da vias, ed en segunda lingia vers il proprietari, al qual la via fa il main donn.
3 Fixond il passadi necessari, ston vegnir resguardads ils interess da tuttas duas varts.
7. Rights of way
a. Necessary right of way
1 Where a landowner does not have adequate access from his or her land to a public thoroughfare, he or she has the right to require his or her neighbours to grant him or her the necessary right of way in exchange for full compensation.
2 This right is in the first place exercised against the neighbour who, in the light of existing ownership and access circumstances, may most reasonably be expected to grant such right of way, and secondly in respect of the neighbour for whom it is least damaging.
3 When determining the route of a right of way, the interests of both parties must be taken into consideration.