5. Drenaschas
1 Il proprietari dal bain immobigliar sutvart è obligà d’acceptar senza indemnisaziun las auas da drenaschas dal bain immobigliar survart, uschenavant che quellas èn curridas en moda natirala gia avant sin ses bain immobigliar.
2 Sch’el patescha in donn tras questa drenascha, po el pretender dal proprietari sura ch’el fetschia sin agens custs in conduct tras il bain immobigliar sutvart.
5. Drainage
1 Where a higher-lying parcel of land is drained, the owner of lower-lying parcel of land is obliged to receive such water as previously flowed naturally onto his or her land without being entitled to compensation.
2 If he or she suffers damage as a result of drainage channels, he or she may require the owner of the higher-lying parcel of land to continue such channels through the lower-lying parcel of land at the latter’s expense.