II. Suprastanza
1. Dretgs ed obligaziuns en general1
La suprastanza ha il dretg e l’obligaziun da manar ils affars da l’uniun e da la represchentar tenor las cumpetenzas concedidas tras ils statuts.
1 Versiun tenor la cifra 1 da l’agiunta da la LF dals 16 da dec. 2005 (dretg da ScRL sco er adattaziuns en il dretg d’aczias, en il dretg d’associaziun, en il dretg dal register da commerzi ed en il dretg da firmas), en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).
II. Committee
1. Rights and duties in general1
The committee is entitled and obliged as defined under the articles of association to manage and represent the association.
1 Amended by Annex No 1 of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 (Law on limited liability companies and modifications to the law on companies limited by shares, cooperatives, the commercial register and company names), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 4791; BBl 2002 3148, 2004 3969).