2. Chavar e construir
a. Regla
1 Cun chavar e cun construir na dastga il proprietari betg far donn al bain immobigliar vischinant muventond ses terren u mettend quel en privel u faschond donn ad indrizs existents.
2 Per construcziuns che cuntrafan a las prescripziuns dal dretg da vischinanza, vegnan applitgadas las disposiziuns concernent las construcziuns surpassantas.
2. Excavation and construction
a. Rule
1 When carrying out excavation or construction work, the owner is not permitted to damage the adjoining properties by causing their terrain to shift, exposing it to the risk of shifting or by weakening existing structures.
2 Buildings which contravene the provisions of the law of neighbours are subject to the provisions governing encroaching buildings.