Index Fichier unique

Art. 674 A. Substance / III. Buildings on the parcel of land / 2. Encroaching buildings
Art. 676 A. Substance / III. Buildings on the parcel of land / 4. Pipes, cables, conduits

Art. 675 A. Substance / III. Buildings on the parcel of land / 3. Building right

3. Building right

1 Buildings and other structures that are dug into or built onto land belonging to another person or otherwise permanently connected with that parcel of land on or below its surface may have a separate owner provided their existence is recorded as an easement in the land register.

2 The creation of rights to buildings in respect of indivaidual storeys of a building is not permitted.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 674 A. Cuntegn / III. Construcziuns sin il bain immobigliar / 2. Construcziuns che tanschan sin in bain immobigliar vischin
Art. 676 A. Cuntegn / III. Construcziuns sin il bain immobigliar / 4. Conducts

Art. 675 A. Cuntegn / III. Construcziuns sin il bain immobigliar / 3. Dretg da construcziun

3. Dretg da construcziun

1 Ovras da construcziun ed auters indrizs ch’èn chavads en u ch’èn mirads si sin il sulom ester u ch’èn uschiglio colliads permanentamain cun quel, saja quai sur terra u sut terra, pon avair in agen proprietari, sch’els èn inscrits en il register funsil sco servituts.

2 In tal dretg da construcziun na po betg vegnir concedì a singuls plauns d’in edifizi. (2009-2021) - A propos
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