III. Construcziuns sin il bain immobigliar
1. Funs e material
a. Relaziun da proprietad
1 Sch’insatgi dovra material ester per construir sin ses bain immobigliar u sch’el dovra agen material per construir sin in bain immobigliar ester, daventa il material ina part integrala dal bain immobigliar.
2 Sch’il material è vegnì duvrà senza la permissiun da ses proprietari, ha quel il dretg da pretender ch’il material vegnia zavrà e restituì sin donn e cust dal proprietari dal bain immobigliar, uschenavant che quai sa lascha far senza chaschunar in donn sproporziunà.
3 Sut la medema premissa po il proprietari dal bain immobigliar pretender ch’il material ester, ch’è vegnì duvrà senza ses consentiment, vegnia allontanà sin donn e cust dal construider.
III. Buildings on the parcel of land
1. Land and building materials
a. Ownership
1 Where a person uses materials belonging to another in building work on his or her own land or materials of his or her own on land belonging to another, such materials become an integral part of the parcel of land.
2 However, where such materials are used against the will of their owner, the latter is entitled to demand that the materials be removed and returned to him or her at the landowner’s expense to the extent this is possible without causing disproportionate damage.
3 On the same condition, where the materials were used against the will of the landowner, the latter may demand that they be removed from his or her land at the expense of the builder.