Index Fichier unique

Art. 66 B. Organisaziun / I. Radunanza generala / 3. Conclus da l’uniun / a. Furma
Art. 68 B. Organisaziun / I. Radunanza generala / 3. Conclus da l’uniun / c. Exclusiun dal dretg da votar

Art. 67 B. Organisaziun / I. Radunanza generala / 3. Conclus da l’uniun / b. Dretg da votar e maioritad

b. Dretg da votar e maioritad

1 En la radunanza generala han tut ils commembers il medem dretg da votar.

2 Ils conclus da l’uniun vegnan prendids cun la maioritad da las vuschs dals commembers preschents.

3 Davart chaussas che n’èn betg vegnidas annunziadas ordavant tenor l’urden dastgi vegnir concludì mo, sch’ils statuts permettan expressivamain quai.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 66 B. Organisation / I. General meeting / 3. Resolutions / a. Form
Art. 68 B. Organisation / I. General meeting / 3. Resolutions / c. Exclusion from voting

Art. 67 B. Organisation / I. General meeting / 3. Resolutions / b. Voting rights and majority

b. Voting rights and majority

1 All members have equal voting rights at the general meeting.

2 Resolutions require a majority of the votes of the members present.

3 Resolutions may be taken on matters for which proper notice has not been given only where this is expressly permitted by the articles of association. (2009-2021) - A propos
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